Monday 16 September 2013

Cinema deconstruction

 Coming to personal understandings seems to never end. The ongoing 'ah ha' moments are continuously abundant and reminds me that there is no way, ever, that I am going to completely 'know' anything. I may have a vast understanding of 'it' at that particular moment, but that moment can slip between the seconds extremely fast. Almost like having a thought on the tip of your tongue... "oh oh oh I got it, I got it... nope, nope.... It's gone!" Only to resurface weeks later with the first thought that crosses my mind being: shit, why did I have to remember that now. Humbling experience I guess. Possibly it is the universes way of saying that things are not going to work out exactly the way 'we' have planned it, but it is going to work out some way or another and the answer will come... especially when you are no longer looking for it.
 Honestly, it is so amusing! I just can not get over all the random interactions, the strange song that comes on at the most convenient of times, the horn that honks just when a distraction is needed or the twinkle in that person's eye that tells me that I am crazy in the most endearing kind of way.  
 Life is only as dramatic as a person wants it to be. This is why I have always preferred comedies; shitty shit can happen in comedies too... but it is dealt with so differently.
 It could be that in a comedy it is known that by the end of the movie everything is going to work out in the best way possible that the viewer is able to relax; while in a drama who the hell knows what is going to happen. It is so intense, sporadic, jaw clenching and anxiety ridden that the viewer (particularly me) is on high alert. Intense excitement. I don't necessary feel that a drama is enjoyable excitement, but  rather a heightened excitement.. totally aware of every possible outcome that could potentially happen somewhere along the line. Then WHAM... The movie is over. My hands are sweaty, I am thankful to be alive, a little proud that I did not turn off the T.V. and an overwhelming sense of relief washes over me.
 Whereas, in a comedy there is a foreseeable playfulness and witty wisecracks which allows a constant flow of optimism to circulate  through my thoughts... while regular burst of laughter would act as remnants allowing any stresses that seemed so important and vital to fall away. All the while understanding that situations will always present themselves; it just depends if you want it dramatic or not. I for one choose comedies.. okay, maybe dramatic comedies.


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