Friday 31 January 2014

The Path

 Understanding the intention of a situation can become so convoluted when mixed with words that sometimes the direction and feeling can become lost. When an awakening experience presents itself it is something that is known and not necessarily a belief that rings true. A belief is something to explain, possibly justify, a knowingness is knowing without the desire to convince. When a message is meant to be found the underlying theme will be understood - and as these messages unveil they act as arrows pointing to the core of the issue.
 It absolutely stuns me that we can have a visible reactions to  emotional memories that have long been experienced but obviously never forgotten.. it makes me wonder what the lesson learned was and if that message had really been understood at all in the first place. I wonder if  these particular situations act as reminders when the "new" is losing the gift of the "past" creating a whirl wind of clues of how to recreate the strength that lives within us. Given the opportunity I imagine that most of us would like the opportunity to overcome the bullshit that lives inside of us, that derails our thoughts of content and escalates our self awareness.
 The more awake we become the more we start to understand that we truly have the power to live in the world we want to live in; which, to me, is a pretty intense responsibility. The option of blame is then eliminated and the acceptance of personal ownership becomes the way forward. The reactions of extremes appear to become questionable as the reality that all we are doing is expelling lots of energy sets in. So I start to think what kind of energy do I want to cultivate? Heavy, dark matter - the kind that drags your arms to a place of lethargy? or a warm, bright light that promotes ease? Give me the ease baby. Screw the dark side, give me the Jedi's!
 In every person there will be a seed of darkness, there will be a point of anguish and there will live a piece of pain.. but amongst all that garbage the golden tickets live.. the messages, the stories and the reminders telling you that life is life and it is meant to be lived. So fuck it and live it they way you were meant to live it. If you are a Traveler - Travel. If you are a Cook - Cook. If you are a Storyteller - Start telling some stories... and if you got that Natural Buzz - Share it: a lot of people are looking for that natural high.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Royal Flush

  Bright eyes, cheeky smile and mesmerizing mind. How did I get so lucky? Roaring beats with a grooving dance. I am so happy to be so lucky. For all those times I wondered why, now I understand that I was just waiting. Waiting for the right time, the right moment and the complementary vibe. 
 The air to my balloon, the fizz to my juice and the sweet to my salty; the best of combinations. I finally accept that the hardest things to explain are the easiest to understand. There is no need to try to create the perfect words to something that just is. 
 To build a card castle one needs to lean against the other, providing balance and stability, moving together adapting to the environment around. Some cards may be upside down, some may be facing the opposite direction and the numbers may not be in sequence.. but if you have played your cards right the whole deck will be on hand. The Kings and Queens will be rocking the throne, Jokers will be playing about, Aces will be hiding up peoples sleeves while numbers 1-10 will be laying about. I foresee a winning hand in this pair.

Monday 13 January 2014

Residential District

 Community: organisms sharing a populated environment. The sectioning of beliefs, ideologies and interests shared by a group of individuals that separate themselves into union with other like minded individuals. A place in which to live that will enable a sense of prosperity and safety.
 What is community? Is it a blanket of concepts that create a togetherness that permits a  sense of belonging? A label that stamps out insecurities by providing the hope that your neighbor will be neighborly? And if this is so what constitutes the quailities of a neighbourly neighbour anyway?

A list of possibilities I feel fit the criteria:

1. The Random Wave - Who doesn't like a ransom wave of I see ya's?
2. The Casual Nod - I see you on the regular bases so I am going to acknowledge that you exist. I have seen you too many times to pretend otherwise and at what point does this become awkward?
3. The Grinner  - Work is over and we both got to be pretty stoked to be enjoying some sort of free time.
4. The Door Held Manner -  Hell yeah it is grocery day and I really cant be bothered grabbing for my keys.
5. Forgotten Treasures: You may not like what you have any longer but I am pretty thankful you put it in a box and left it in the common areas for others to rummage through. My living room thanks you.
6. The Elevator Snicker: The 45 seconds of complete silence is just too weird when you know someone has something funny to say.

If community is the sharing of a populated space and the cohabitation of all that is, I think that it is completely acceptable to make it as pleasant as possible. We don't need to go out of our way to be fake ass bastards but we don't need to go out of what to be crotchety ones either.

Friday 10 January 2014

To You From Me

Dear World,

 When I think about the experiences I am able to live out on this planet I feel pretty lucky. I don't think that I could ever hate life as it is something that I am bound to live each day so I feel it is somewhat necessary to try to enjoy it, at least I can try. I am extremely grateful that we are capable of laughing and that each laugh is unique to the person cultivating it. If I am being completely honest it took me quite awhile to become comfortable in the sound expelling from my face. It seemed to get stuck somewhere in my throat, explode out at the most impromptu times and occasionally create sounds that are difficult to consider pleasant; however, when I discovered my true laugh it came so naturally that I was wondering how it was ever lost in the abyss of nasal confusion. I wonder if laughter is compelling because it reveals what we find amusing as well as confusing; "I am unsure how to respond to this" so instead I laugh and move on hopefully not offending too many people in the process.
 World, I am unsure as to why things have been created and designed they way they are, and needless to say, I would not know any different; seemingly, all I can do is create is 'my ideal' from the experiences that have been provided through studying and exploring information as it presents itself. Thankfully, I enjoy exploring and wading through the snippets of material to identify a personal purpose, while being a minute detail in the big picture. The way I see it is all the individual stories make up the whole picture and cover your surface like a mosaic of colour, shapes and sizes. If you are a jungle gym I can honestly say you have the best obstacles around.
 I am curious what your relationship is like with the space around you? Are you as  aware of what is going on around you as what is going on inside of you? Do you have an innate knowing that you are going to be okay? and are you watching what is occurring like our grandparents observe the repetition of generational themes? You have been around a long time and I can only imagine you have the answers laid out everywhere and when we find them is when we are ready to have them. All I can really say is thank you. Thank you for making this place as beautiful, crazy and versatile as it is. It is definitely trippy.

Cheers Cheers Cheers,

Miss Mae

Friday 3 January 2014

Space Beats

 I have begun to realize that there is a never ending amount of information to learn and to understand. Life is never boring... there may be stagnant moments, but boring it is not.
 I have recently discovered that there is time between what your eyes see and what is actually there so the brain creates an image for you. For instance, our brain has added the green to the grass for us to see. Seriously!! that is some crazy shit!! It is unbelievable (to me) how normalcy is accepted as the way it is, when there are so many reasons and systems as to how it has become.
 I remember thinking of space when I was a child and intentionally stopping myself before getting lost in the vastness and reality of it. All I could think about was the existence of a wall blocking off the galactic emptiness of space and I remember thinking that if space never ended that meant the wall had to be never ending and if the wall ever ended there had to be something on the other side of it, right?!?!?!... on and on and on my mind would go. I believe most of us have thought similar thoughts when looking up at the stars. Magic.
 Witnessing a shooting star for the first time was an eerie experience; 3 am walking along a deserted beach, warm air breezing past me, lost in conversation with a girl friend of mine, gazing towards the moon when suddenly a samurai sword cut through the night with such power and fury that I was sure an alien ship had landed. My stomach dropped, my body buzzed with questions and an overwhelming understanding of size dawned on me. We are so tiny. Yet so powerful. We are gifts to this existence, each of us carrying our own purpose and magic enabling sets of keys to open doors that we may never know exist.
 I feel a purpose to this journey is to overcome our kryptonite and to truly understand, while respecting, our intuition as a guide. All we need to do is accept what we are: Entertaining entities. Add some fun, take away some of the seriousness and play a little more often. I suggest thumb wars  as they are an excellent way to forget how old we are and never ever underestimate the power of the dancing groove.