Monday 4 November 2013

Life Saver

 When sitting here trying to decide what to write about I draw blanks. I start thinking about what would read well, what is interesting, have I written about this before? does it matter if I wrote this concept previously? who am I trying to impress??? Oh yeah, I write it because I like it. It feels nice to have my thoughts down in some form of text. It creates a form of alphabetical disposal to somewhere else alleviating the constant thought bubble from my mind. I wonder if all the thoughts that live in my imagination that are swimming to all corners of my consciousness are ever forgotten or lost? I kind of think that they like to hide in some weird ass crevasse of my head only to explode out at the most undesirable time... potentially translating into frenzied images while I sleep. Either way, I sense that when "it" is expressed, in whatever means, I have expelled the 'space' allowing opportunity for new ideas to  warrant exploration.
 I love thinking. I feel like thinking exercises the neuron-transmitters and oils up the pathways of the chaotic highway (we call the brain) allowing for the opportunity to understand a variety of situations in an array of possibilities. The problem is getting lost in thought. And I don't mean getting lost in 'a thought', I mean truly getting consumed by thought... it can be such a disorientating place. To be neither here nor there but thinking you are in both is frustrating... almost like when you are dreaming and everything around you is familiar but when you wake up confusion sets in. "I must have been dreaming seeing as I am in my bed... but hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what if?" then the thinking happens all over again. 
 Which leads me to ponder the glamorized life of a philosopher... sitting up on that hill, wearing a cloak, laying underneath the sun and the stars discussing thoughts, theories and ideas while engrossing yourself with conclusions, hypothesis and hypotheticals.... It could be an interesting form of employment... Knowing me I would probably daydream the entire day away. Just imagine what your days off would look like: there is no way you could 'normally relax'. Relaxation would most likely consist of intensely energized infused activity, in hopes to tire you out in preparation for the 'sit and think' for the upcoming work week ahead. What if it were possible to get thinkers block? Would that create peace of the mind? I don't know about you but I could go on forever. The way I look at it is : To wonder is wander and I am constantly getting lost! So, thank goodness for my backpack and my partner in crime; without these two things life would be messy and not nearly as fun!

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