Tuesday 26 November 2013

Hone in to the Tea

 Honesty is a strong word, full of foundation, strength, integrity and intimidation. To be completely honest with who you are and where you come from can be an intense journey. It is not easy remembering to check in with yourself to be clear on the position in which you really stand for. I don't know about everyone else but I know for myself sometimes I get so excited that I get caught up with whatever is going on around me that all of a sudden I am floating out somewhere I never knew existed... kicking myself, because I never really wanted to be there and now I am stuck. Lesson, I guess. Damn, constant lessons coming up when I least expect them. A reminder from the outside saying "There is lots to learn." And to be fair, there is a lot to learn, so much so, that I look forward to the years and the teachings that will come of it. 
 I am perplexed by the moments of an absolute thought that says "Yes, I get this" to all of a sudden a few years later the "conviction" is overturned to a "Hmmmmmmm.. Oh, okay.... now I see." Pretty humbling being awaken to the honesty of the situation, thought, dilemma or perception. We never really know what can come of the future and what will be retold of the past. Memories are a subjective and colourful view on a skew of situations; hopefully, creating more understanding of the variety and complexity of an event, sensation or idea. 
 What I love about an individual world snap shot is that it premises a well rounded overall picture granting an "Aha" moment where people can conceptualize and identify with (somewhat)... and if an agreement can not be made a discussion can follow suit which may allow for an compromise to come to play. I feel that if everyone agreed with everything that everyone said all the time there has to be some massive ego stroking going on... Seriously who agrees with everyone all the time? Differences are what makes us grow.           
 Differences can inspire us in either direction: cultivating what is desirable in a specific trait or creating an aversion to facilitate reason and motivation to be something different. To come to any of these places we as individuals have to be honest to ourselves about who we are and what we really want. 
 Sometimes, that inner voice of honesty is a quiet and shy place that is overpowered by the need to fit in... but if you give that little voice the opportunity of space, and provide it the fuel it needs to grow, it will knock down the "self deprecating-need to keep up-need to be better" persona that lives somewhere on most of our shoulders. The key is being honest in who we are and being okay with what we have to say about ourselves; because, if we already know what we got to do to be where we want to be nothing anyone else can say will falter our mysterious ways!

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