Thursday 31 October 2013

Hidden Gem's

 A little piece of heaven can potentially reside in between the cracks of everyday.... some days are a little more difficult to distinguish but it is there; even if it may be hiding. Do you ever become stunned and unable to comprehend the beauty when there is too much beauty around? For me it is almost like an overload... overly stimulated with the awesome that is surrounding me to the point that I can not fully take in the experience.
 This is why I like cities. Nature is beyond beautiful.. astonishing, bewildering, wild and magical. A sense of serenity proceeds it at every angle.. but a city... oh those glorious man made messes of the world.. littered in peoples thoughts, vandalized with eye opening art and cluttered with noise noise noise noise: absolute pure insanity!!! Only to walk down the street, meandering in a lost alley, saturated with a cool dampness, to discover vines and the life breaking through the cracks of the cement. That shit amazes me!! Nature has won! No matter the strength, congruity and creation that people are capable of creating, the world keeps doing it's thing. From it's rawest and most purest form, the flexibility of a vine with it's innate persistent to reach the sun, nothing will get in it's way. 
 On the other hand we seem to constantly get in our own way. I have heard that "we are our own worst enemy," many times. We can stop ourselves from moving towards our goals, we question our ability, we question those around us, we may believe that we as an individual can not make a difference and we may tell ourselves that we even if we tried we may fail. And truth be told we may fail... but what really is failure anyway? Is it not getting exactly what we want, the way we want it, or the way we expect a certain outcome to be? I am starting to believe each failure is a block allowing us the opportunity to turn around, look at what is going on and to re-evaluate the necessity of the preconceived outcome. If we can be our own worst enemy I am pretty sure that we are capable of being our own biggest fan. 
Who needs fan letters when you are already a rock star?

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