Monday 11 November 2013

The Title

 The world of Labels. From ketchup bottles and maple syrup to yuppie's and drifters. I see why there is a need to label some things; for instance, if hot sauce had no label it may be confused for something else and that could be an intense surprise. I can even understand the sectioning of different kinds of music, as it can be very overwhelming, especially if you don't have an idea of what you are looking for. Creating a glossary of categories can allow the convenience to find an idea of what you may be looking for... A nudge in the right direction.
 I am not so committed to the idea of labeling individuals as that box may be a frustrating place to get out of... and what if the box does not coincide with all facets of a persons beliefs, qualities and goals? What if that box segregates a person to a carved out path that does not jive with their own personal truth? And what if that stereotype diminishes their hope convincing them they could never be more? Will they ever be allowed out of that box? If change is constant how is it possible to conclude with a definite classification?
 I had personally enjoyed the convenience of a label when it came to understanding the world around me... a quick fix of a generalization allowed me the opportunity to research, enabling a further understanding, of what we are all involved in.
 For instance, if I want a good pair of shoes... I may run with a well known brand as it may represent high quality... but where does the status of high quality come from? Does it come from those that are marketing it, the one that have designed it, the image that it represents or from the actuality of the product? Who knows. I wonder if we take the time to decide for ourselves if we like what we like or if we say we like what we do because we feel we have too.... or if it is just too much bother to argue?
 So needless to say, I am looking at labels as opinions. I refuse to believe that an entire person can be understood by a "logo". I feel that a label may provide a bit of insight on what a person has potentially gone through, what is needed and how to better accommodate them, but to be categorized into a particular box and dismiss a person based on a "tag" that has been assumed is just too simple... and I have no doubt that we are more creative than that.

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