Monday 9 December 2013

Kind of Act

 Kindness is a beautiful thing. To witness an act of kindness reminds me that people are conscious and aware of their surroundings and witnessing the look of surprise and gratitude that overloads a persons face on the receiving end of a kind act makes me smile. I love love and I love seeing people happy. Being able to provide a moment where someone feels heard, understood and appreciated is an amazing part of life. If life is worth living, I think that providing others with the time to enjoy theirs is an important aspect. 
 How dull life would be if I was the only person happy all of the time. Imagine riding the merry go round with a whole lot of solemn faces starring back at you! It would be uncomfortable... extremely uncomfortable. I am not sure about you but I am not a fan of being uncomfortable. To be fair, I would rather be cozy most of the time...... if I could wear scarfs through the summer without passing out from heat exhaustion I may just do it. 
 When I walk into a room where there is a heaviness looming I can not help but want to try to make it lighter; however, I do understand it is important to check myself and look at my personal motives before trying to force the "thrill of glory" in another persons life. "Hey hey hey... you want to be happy right now.. look at everything you have to be thankful for, the trees, the clouds, the squirrels.. it is sooooo beautiful"......"Well, if it is so beautiful why don't you take the beauty and shove it in your face!"
 Sometimes, people need to experience their lows before they can move onto the up and up... and to be aware of the difference in individual processing is a kind act. Kindness is so nice. And like a friend in the glorious land of Scotland said to me "it is nice to be nice." which I completely agree with and these are the reasons why:

1. Kindness creates a sharing and caring environment that can make people smile
2. Smiling people generally look happy and happiness is contagious
3. Happy people generally laugh; which is also contagious.. especially if the person is a snorter!
4. Kindness is free which is a massive bargain.
5. And whoever knows me knows a bargain is priceless!

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