Thursday, 13 September 2018

Happy is Lucky.

Happiness is a funny feeling. We may think it "should" always be there, lingering away in the back drop of some activity, in some memory or in some idea but really it is fleeting... cycling along it's path, disrupting our daily routine and injecting our experience with something beautiful. 

Happiness is a reminder that happiness exists - a reboot. The idea that we need to be happy, up, high or ecstatic all the time seems unattainable, unrealistic and kinda exhausting. 

Grateful. I understand gratefulness and appreciation of experience: but happiness, everyday all day in and out, I am just not sure if I feel it. I am okay with experiencing the diversity life has to offer. Through sadness we understand joy, through pain we place value on relief, through love we grasp that more love is needed. 

As my Mom has told me time and time again: Hate is a strong word! And it is.... none-the-less I feel compelled to soothe it, love it and understand it. Where and why has it developed? Has it ingrained itself into our psyche as a way to protect us - protect us from what we fear, from what we do not understand and from what intimidates us and why are we so afraid? I don't believe the impending doom of the saber tooth tiger is to blame for everything.

If we showed more compassion towards hatred would the black and white become more grey? I am curious about those that find happiness in causing pain and wonder if the external reflection provides acknowledgement for the internal strife that that person may be experiencing - some sort of shared experience that tells a person they are not alone. 

If love is the healer and hate is from the hurting how do we love the hurting without being hurt? If you come up with an answer let me know:)

Remember who you are, introduce yourself to yourself if you have forgotten and don't forget that happiness comes and go's - it is okay to not be buzzing everyday - you might just be tired, so get some rest. 

Stand up for yourself, hold others up and let other's speak their truth while maintaining your own, allow conversations to happen - even if they are uncomfortable and accept that all of us are uncovering our own path that holds some sort of truth to the collective. It may not all be pretty and nice but who said life has to be - not all parts are going to be happy but equally not all parts are as serious as we can make them out to be.


  1. Thanks for Sharing, Amber. And I love the play on words title.

    For me, Happiness comes down to what you wrote about remembering who you are.
    WE are Consciousness. WE are Divine Gems, each like a piece of a Hologram, which is far more than a piece. Each piece contains all the information of the whole.
    It's the Consciousness that we are, that has created, and is streaming to, this time-space reality, creating this "flight simulator" type of experience, that we call Life.
    I call it the Pure Source Data Stream, and it is always streaming to us, and it communicates to us in what we call Intuition.
    It's subtle, not obvious, until one has trained their mind with meditation.
    We also hear other data streams which are much easier to hear, that I call Distraction Data streams, such as Societal beliefs, television bad news, other people's limiting ideas, and those distraction data streams often bring feelings of hopelessness or fear or frustration, like the news of some hungry children in another country,or some shooting at a school in another country tht we can do nothing about, or countless other "bad" news stories.
    We can also hear news that we respond to with feelings we call happy.

    From Pure Source Data connection, many different feelings can exist, but they tend to be Loving, kind and compassionate. Feelings can range from Jumping off the walls in excitement to quiet contentment sittng by a river.
    If one in this connected state, were to see a person get hit by a car they wouldn't feel happy, but they would deal with the situation in the best possible way without freaking out.
    So, Pure Source Data connection includes feeling content, satisfied, eager, excited, appreciative, helpful, interested and relaxed.
    Pure Source Connection isn't likely to cause you to feel anxious, worried, scared, upset, hurried, resentful, angry, and powerless. However, if one feels powerless, and in reaching for Source Connection to feel relief, they could move out of powerlessness into feelings of revenge, and then anger, and eventually to frustration and onwards and upwards until eventually topping out at Joy, if they are interseted in going that High.

    I agree we don't need to feel happy all the time, but the more we feel our connection to our True Consciousness, which is located outside this time-space-virtual reality, the more we are satisfied and enjoying this life, from ecstasy to quiet contentment and all the fun in between.

    To answer your question as to how to love the hurting without being hurt, We share Love without expecting or needing the one who is hurting, to change.
    We offer then another way, a loving way, and allow then their own process and timing for thier own movement up the emotional ladder from hopelessness to Joy.
    With knowing, or at least trusting that we are all equal parts of the Love Hologram that created this game of life, we can allow each other our own experience, without needing another to make our experience Happy.
    Then we stop attempting to get others to change their behaviours to make us happy, and intsead show then how they can change their own attitude to make themselves happy, regardless of outside circumstance.
    Success is and inside Job, and Smiling is one the HIGHEST forms of meditation, so if you're not happy, or at least content,you just aren't meditating enough.

    I'm 100 percent sure that Our Creator Consciousness isn't sitting around having a shitty time, or a boring time. Maybe it was bored EONS ago, but if so, that all ended with the Creation of this Crazy Game we have going on here.
    No time for boredom despair,
    We are supposed to be Creating a Party here.
    WE are after all, Hologram Fractals of the The Creator, so, there is no limit to what we can Feel.
    Why waste time not Enjoying life.
    A quiet book, or a Raving Party.
    It's all God, and it makes me Happy.

    1. Awesome:):):) sharing without expectation and loving with patience... to paraphrase. Peace of mind and happy heart. True that on there being no limit to what we can feel. :):)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. (reposted from above to fix typo)
    So, generally, any feelings that are less or lower than Appreciation, such as unease, frustration, irritation, anger, fear, powerlessness, are just us being tuned into Distraction Data Streams.
    However, The Pure Source Data Stream is ALWAYS Flowing to and Through us and we get to choose how much of it we tune into.
    Our feelings about ourselves and others, and Life are our indicator of how much of the Full Data we are Beleiving in and Thereby translating into our life, via our feelings thoughts and actions.

    In Love and Appreciatio,
    Prince Pegasus

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. I'm listening to a Ted talk with a Doctor talking about Us humans healing with placebos, and getting sick with Nocebos (which is basically a negative attitude) and she just said that
      "medical studies show that people that don't take their vacations are a third more likely to get heart disease than those that take holidays, that Attitude REALLY matters. Happy people live 7 to 10 years longer than unhappy people, and optimists are 77 % less likely to get Heart disease than pessimists."

      So, I recommend we choose our emotional states wisely, based on our love and appreciation and Trust of life and family and friends,from our Pure Source Data Stream, rather than the distracted data streams of concern and uncertainty and doubt and fear, which produce anxiety, stress and disease.
      It's our negative thinking that takes us out of the Stream of WEllNESS. There is no stream of sickness, Just the one stream, which we either drink from, or not. This stream does not force itself on us, that is what we call Free-Choice.
      To Love or Not to Love, that is Our True Question, and the answer of HOW to Be.
      Be LOVE. And then from that Being, comes Beautiful Loving Action.
      The Pure Source Data Stream, or as I Love to call it, the Love Stream, needs nothing, but we can love it, or leave it.
      WE don't have to jump all over it in excitement all the time, we can just hang out in appreciation of our apartment as we read a book in it.
      No matter what we are doing at any point in time, What's not to Love in the Love Stream?
      When we are frustrated, we have the left the love stream, often to drag someone into the love stream that we notice has slipped out and we want them back in, but generally if we reach into a distracted data stream to help or save someone, we end up helping them try to change the stream they are in, rather than getting back to the Love stream.
      When we find ourselves not Loving the Stream we are in, we need only to change streams, not try to change the stream.
      That would be the same as not likiing the music on a radio station, and instead of turning the dial to line up with a different frequency and a station that plays music we enjoy, we assist our unhappy friend with phoning the station and blaming the DJ because the shit he is playing is making me feel shitty, because I hate that type of music, and demanding they play something we like.

    2. Haha haha haha I totally understand:):):) 99.9!!
