Thursday, 13 September 2018

Happy is Lucky.

Happiness is a funny feeling. We may think it "should" always be there, lingering away in the back drop of some activity, in some memory or in some idea but really it is fleeting... cycling along it's path, disrupting our daily routine and injecting our experience with something beautiful. 

Happiness is a reminder that happiness exists - a reboot. The idea that we need to be happy, up, high or ecstatic all the time seems unattainable, unrealistic and kinda exhausting. 

Grateful. I understand gratefulness and appreciation of experience: but happiness, everyday all day in and out, I am just not sure if I feel it. I am okay with experiencing the diversity life has to offer. Through sadness we understand joy, through pain we place value on relief, through love we grasp that more love is needed. 

As my Mom has told me time and time again: Hate is a strong word! And it is.... none-the-less I feel compelled to soothe it, love it and understand it. Where and why has it developed? Has it ingrained itself into our psyche as a way to protect us - protect us from what we fear, from what we do not understand and from what intimidates us and why are we so afraid? I don't believe the impending doom of the saber tooth tiger is to blame for everything.

If we showed more compassion towards hatred would the black and white become more grey? I am curious about those that find happiness in causing pain and wonder if the external reflection provides acknowledgement for the internal strife that that person may be experiencing - some sort of shared experience that tells a person they are not alone. 

If love is the healer and hate is from the hurting how do we love the hurting without being hurt? If you come up with an answer let me know:)

Remember who you are, introduce yourself to yourself if you have forgotten and don't forget that happiness comes and go's - it is okay to not be buzzing everyday - you might just be tired, so get some rest. 

Stand up for yourself, hold others up and let other's speak their truth while maintaining your own, allow conversations to happen - even if they are uncomfortable and accept that all of us are uncovering our own path that holds some sort of truth to the collective. It may not all be pretty and nice but who said life has to be - not all parts are going to be happy but equally not all parts are as serious as we can make them out to be.