I noticed a group of cows collect the last of the midday sun on their faces and as the peak of the warmth had turned to it's decline, the cows turned around and let the last of the rays hangout on their backs. It was pretty cute - understandable, but cute none-the-less. Each cow spent sometime on their own but collectively enjoyed their space together and walked "home" as a group. It made me think about slowing down and seeing the spirit in everything that exists.
We have reasons for what we do and a lot of time they are logical decisions. We chase the energies we seek and we distance ourselves from the energy that depletes us.
I think about comfort and what that actually means. I wonder if comfort correlates to the safety we feel in known situations... I wonder if we feel safe in unsafe situations because we are aware of what to expect? Then I think just because we have an understanding of what can happen does not mean we are "safe" in that "comfortable" situation.
There are moments that exist to flare up as a flag signaling "this may not be what you think it is" and it is important to listen to those moments. To really listen and hear what your insides are saying is an observation of it's own: we may feel like we have to consider so many factors - past, present, future, mental, spirit, emotional - and we may..... but first we need to listen.
We need to pay attention to what is going on around us and inside of us to fully grasp the overload of data that is coming our way, while at the same time try to listen to the observations others are having. We may not like to hear what they have to say but, at the same time, we may be provided invaluable insight to an array of possibilities that we may have been unable to see.
Inside of ourselves we know what feels right and we know when something is off: games will be played but we are not pawns. We are the kings and queens, princesses and pirates of our own vibrations - enjoy the highs and learn from the lows, people may try to play you but if you know you know and sometimes that is all you need to know. Kick up the dirt, soak up the sun and then let the light show you the path home.
Loving you light...