Tuesday, 18 March 2014


 Whoop whoop whoop and a holler holler holler... try not to think about what you are going to write just write and see what comes up. The message is clear and simple: you can only be you and no one else. Walk each step that is being walked, breath each breathe while breathing and stop for a minute. Stop to smell the flowers, hear the birds or watch the random person walk into a glass door that they were unaware of. Look about and see what is going on. I promise that you will be amused.
 The person picking their nose that thinks they are going unseen..... I saw you. The two lovebirds making quick glances at each other... I saw that too. If you look close enough nothing really goes unseen, someone somewhere saw something; which makes for an interesting story.
 For every viewpoint that you may have, there will be another twist or angle presenting the information in a new light. I may see an event a particular way and I am certain that is the way of it.... only to be side slapped by a convincing and accurate (but different) account of the same situation. The pot becomes fuller. Each view is a percentage that allows for a new degree of insight. Absolute answers are ridiculous, they are always proven wrong. Passion is the drive that motivates an ambition that ignites a desire to uncover. Acceptance is the understanding that each moment creates a moment that can lead to somewhere you may never know. Be prepared for the unexpected and expect nothing.. and in all fairness it wouldn't hurt to have speakers so you have a sound track playing for the journey.

1 comment:

  1. 2 B me or not 2 B me, the choice is at once simple and sublime, as I am also A B coming.
