Monday, 13 January 2014

Residential District

 Community: organisms sharing a populated environment. The sectioning of beliefs, ideologies and interests shared by a group of individuals that separate themselves into union with other like minded individuals. A place in which to live that will enable a sense of prosperity and safety.
 What is community? Is it a blanket of concepts that create a togetherness that permits a  sense of belonging? A label that stamps out insecurities by providing the hope that your neighbor will be neighborly? And if this is so what constitutes the quailities of a neighbourly neighbour anyway?

A list of possibilities I feel fit the criteria:

1. The Random Wave - Who doesn't like a ransom wave of I see ya's?
2. The Casual Nod - I see you on the regular bases so I am going to acknowledge that you exist. I have seen you too many times to pretend otherwise and at what point does this become awkward?
3. The Grinner  - Work is over and we both got to be pretty stoked to be enjoying some sort of free time.
4. The Door Held Manner -  Hell yeah it is grocery day and I really cant be bothered grabbing for my keys.
5. Forgotten Treasures: You may not like what you have any longer but I am pretty thankful you put it in a box and left it in the common areas for others to rummage through. My living room thanks you.
6. The Elevator Snicker: The 45 seconds of complete silence is just too weird when you know someone has something funny to say.

If community is the sharing of a populated space and the cohabitation of all that is, I think that it is completely acceptable to make it as pleasant as possible. We don't need to go out of our way to be fake ass bastards but we don't need to go out of what to be crotchety ones either.

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