All we can be is the best we can be and sometimes that is not enough, but we are always enough. You may notice the difference between the physical and emotional reactions.. noticing is the first step. Feeling it wherever it is. Sometimes, even though all we want to do is help, we may not be able to give the other person what they are looking for. Some days we can help and we will be helpful but in the end it is not really about us. We are the messenger, the lesson, the work board. Maybe we are trusted, maybe we will listen the way they need to be heard or maybe we are the place that they process their pain in safety. Not an easy ride. I guess sometimes I wonder what the pattern is and how to understand the dips after the highs. Along with love comes hate... a very strange balancing act. When someone can express their undying love there may be moments that they express their deepest pain. That may not be a pretty place. We are allowed to be affected. Some of us can accept things that others can not and that is fair enough. I hear you, I feel you but I wont accept being abused by you so watch yourself once you get to know your self. If you want to discover where and who you are and where you want to go. I get it, I wonder too. Some of us may watch from a distance, curious of the view.
Drunken words are sober thoughts - is something I have heard. Supposedly, in ancient Greece people would be punished twice as hard for something they had done while drunk as it was thought that was their true nature being revealed. Vastly different than the sentiment we use now.... "oh, don't worry about that, they were drunk when that happened." We don't have to worry about it but we can listen to it and watch it. Waking up to the "fear" and an "emotional hangover" seems to be a very real thing.... but what if this is a reaction to having had our "other nature" reveal itself, the part of us that we don't fully want to admit too, and we are a bit scared of the quality of that guy. The words that come out of our mouths at anytime are words that have been thought of in our minds. It may not be the truth but it may be a level of present honesty. The part of us that we sense is there but don't fully give allowances too. It is interesting to give "that voice" the time to be heard, and under the right circumstances the train of intoxicated thought may allow for some insight to our beliefs, observations and ego. Primarily our Ego - the part of ourselves that protects us from criticism and pain while at the same time producing the defensive and bold statements. We may be a good time, we may be a good laugh and we may make a story out of the experience but if we listen long enough we can hear the quiet honesty in the stream of intoxicated consciousness - the true feelings or feeling someone has once had. If we can listen to it without attaching to it and believing their moment of honesty to be the real truth of ourselves we can learn a lot about those around us. If we can name the character in front of us and give them the space to engage in a neutral conversation, where they direct the content, maybe they will talk themselves into their own knowledge.
Be clear, be honest and maintain your boundaries - be strong, be compassionate and let them know if they are speaking utter shit. Just because we listen doesn't mean we agree and just because we don't agree doesn't mean we don't like the person. Sometimes people say weird shit and it is okay to tell them that.
There are times we get lost in our thoughts - watching and reliving the conversations and times we have spent with others. These moments can circulate around us, we can create our own personal meaning from them and wonder why and how we get in the situations we do. Reoccurring themes and reoccurring thoughts resurface. Maybe this means we have not learned what we needed too or maybe this means there is more to learn than we previously thought. Emotions are a strange thing - these emotions can lead us to create judgments, fixed ideas and black or white answers to a world that is so grey. We can lose those that create sunshine in our lives suddenly and through this be reminded none of us have an infinite amount of time in this current state. Some of us may be swimming deep in addiction, living the high life, being sensible, being spontaneous, being safe, being fleeting, being loving or being hateful - but we are all being something and all are something to someone. Who do we want to be in our environment, how do we want to express ourselves, how do we express our true nature and why are some of us afraid to love and be loved? Why do we have such strong opinions where we are willing to fight those we love? Is it because we want to be heard and acknowledged, finding confirmation that we will be accepted even if our view doesn't fit the mold? Even if we don't agree it doesn't mean either one of us is right or wrong - it means we are different. I guess the thing is, we need to see if where we are coming from is from love or fear... if we can truly identify where we are coming from conversations will be much easier. We all deserve a chance to get up and dust ourselves off. We all deserve a chance to have the chance to try something different and we all deserve the chance to express our experience. The thing is, we will have to deal with the consequences of what we say and how we say it - we may say or do something that effects someone else and their reaction may be a bit more unexpected than we were thinking.
If we want to be able to say whatever we want to say - take time to listen to others, it is only fair. When you meet those people that bring joy into your life, let them know - they are sharing the goodness of their soul with you and that is a pretty nice gift. Thank you Krishna for bringing the love and adventure. Peace to you.
If you want everyone to love you, you have to fall in love with everyone - Sadhuguru. I may be paraphrasing slightly but the meaning is there. I find it amazing that we stumble across something that fits, makes sense and gives that "aha" moment I feel we are all looking for. Never has this thought crossed my mind in such a straight forward way. I am not sure if it is the idea of wanting everyone to fall in love with me that makes it a bit uncomfortable at first, but the idea of falling in love with everyone makes perfect sense. How can we expect others to accept us, like us, love us or whatever if we cant like, accept or love others. I mean we may not always like what someone has to say, or what they do or the way they go about things - but we can love. Love may be simple but relationships are not always easy - and I wonder if this is because we want to withhold our love as a punishment. There are parts of all of us that seek acceptance, community, unity and balance - why can't we be friends? There must be many reasons, and there may be many reasons we like to tell ourselves and to tell others. Reasons take time. Love just is. As we unfold our many layers we see the layers in others. We learn a lot about a person by listening to what they are saying. We all tell our secrets someway or another.
I have realized that people can love you a lot and not like you very much. But hey I used to not like olives and now I love them. What happened? I am not too sure other than I accepted the flavour of the olive knowing that it would never be chocolate and that's cool..... I can enjoy both.
Forgiveness is strength. It is a choice that a person makes to free themselves from the trapping of the suffering - the decision that healing comes with letting go. We can sit in the round about of what if's, anger, blame and righteousness forever, but what does that really do to us? Other than becoming the energy of the stories we tell ourselves of why we are right - in what I see as an effort to cover up a sense of loss. I realized the other day, as I was panicking myself through the "crisis" of paperwork, that I instantly went to a place of abandonment.... hahaha how and when paperwork has related to feelings abandonment? I have no idea, but there I was swimming in the vastness of worthlessness only to discover that even if I identify my fear it doesn't mean it will go away. BUT... by naming it, it does show me that I can say hi to it and that I can remind myself that I am speaking a whole lot of shit. The reality may be different than what I am thinking. Acknowledgment seems to be a powerful tool. We give ourselves clues about why we do what we do and why we do what we have done in the past. I have noticed a lot of times we are surviving, protecting ourselves from some perceived or real pain while trying to ignore the reality of our fears. I think we are all used to hearing "we got to face our fears to get over them" and to be honest I never really understood what that meant. Does that mean I have to prepare myself to stand up in the dark, keep the lights off and attack what causes me grief - which is normally my imagination. Do I begin to look at my own mind as the enemy, do I begin to look at myself as the victim in unhealthy relationships, do I start calling other people names? All this really seems like to me is an opportunity to cause more pain and confusion. If I start getting mad, getting even, playing tick for tat - does that make me a more balanced person? I don't really think so - it just makes a stronger opportunity to get lost in a bigger round about of paranoia, wondering when and who is going to get me next. If I attack my mind, it will fight back, if I attack my community, it will fight back, if I attack anyone - I am pretty sure they are going to fight back, either with bad bad vibes or strong physical retaliation. I am not too interested in being in any of those kind of situations regularly. So what to do? I cant say how anyone should do anything but what I think I need to do is: 1. Stand up for myself, other people, the situation when the event is occurring 2. Be honest when someone asks my opinion 3. Don't engage in the shit talk - don't be a hater, just because people do things differently doesn't mean either way is the "right" way 4. remember who I am - what am I about, what are they about and what are we actually trying to do 5. Don't force anyone to think the way I think and try not to surrender to someone else's thought process because I think it will make them feel better. All our thoughts are valid. 6. Be kind 7. Recharge to a higher frequency. As my Uncle says: 99.9 Love frequency baby. I believe that one of the best modes to move forward in life, without the heaviness of back breaking bullshit, is to forgive the forgivable and let go the attachment to prickish behaviour. It is okay to be hurt, to be angry and to cry about it - but once the feelings have been expressed move past them, understand them and continue to love for the sake of loving. Forgive ourselves for being stuck on repeat in the loop of unneeded anguish. If you don't like the frequency your are on, recognize you are somewhere you don't want to be and be grateful you noticed - lift yourself as high as you can and be a booster to those around you, when they to realize they are somewhere they don't want to be. The more space we create the more time we have to respond. This is what I think anyway.
Masking only lasts for so long. People begin to notice and a person will get called out, someway or somehow. Funny as shit when that blank mask turns red and the colour drops from the face..... the story drains from the mouth. All this moment really does is teaches the other person that someone may be full of shit... maybe not all of the time, but when it counts. These moments reinforce the "other side" of the story without the "other one" even having to say a word or defend themselves - the proof is written all over the mask. Reputations seem to mean a lot to the people that are ruining theirs, but it never really has to be ruined in the first place - I guess the truth can be too hard to digest and a story needs to be created. Understandable, for sure - but still, the masking makes the story more dramatic and isn't that what we are usually saying we don't want. No drama. I beg to differ, the actions seem otherwise - drama is what appears to be the "missing" link, the unconscious motivational drive. Drama is creative energy, a surge of emotion, a change of tide, the unexpected, the forbidden, the painful, the surprising, the anticipation. Someone always cries, and the cry that hurts the most is the one from the unassuming victim. The louder and more complex the reasoning - the less we believe what is being said. The truth is simple. It may be hard to get too but it is there, and the truth can be hard to admit - no one wants to be mean. Well, the majority of us don't want to be thought of as the mean one, anyway. However, we seem to be okay with: doing what we need to do, to get to where we want to get too, while judging others for taking the same route we are taking. That is what I don't really understand - the judgement on others for what we are already doing...... oh I see.... we get upset with them as a way to punish the ugly in us. Trippy. The problem with all of this is, we are not looking to see the shadow in us. We all got one. Peter Pan showed generations of children to accept the shadow, to try to keep it with us and to mourn it's disconnection from us. We need that aspect of ourselves- we need to understand what is holding us back. We need to accept that the shadow may never go away completely, but with the right amount of light we can be bigger than it and we can begin to play with it. Accept the darkness inside of ourselves and apologize to those we hurt. Don't make ourselves out to be the victim if we are actually the conqueror.. it serves no authentic purpose, other than to satisfy our own idea of who we are and what has happened. We can all see through it, we may just not have the energy to help peel off each layer of the mask.
All in due process, that is in the hands of the beholder.... no one can make us see something we don't want to believe is there. A piece of insight though - your side is one side to many angles and some people will see the dark side of the story far easier due to where they're sitting. Reality is made up the entirety. Be kind, be loving and be willing to listen to the hard stuff.
I get lost in trying to understand what is going on and what messages to listen too. I feel that there is an intention to the madness, but there are cycles that take over the preconceived beginnings. I see that there is a message of love, the reality of hate, the hope for community and the strive for independence. What is said is expected of everyone except by the person that is saying it. The intention may be nice, but how can we expect everyone to do something while we do the same thing we have always done? Don't mention that though, otherwise someone will get upset. I feel that this fear of upsetting someone, anyone, is stopping us from having the conversation. We don't want to know what our hidden biases are but it is okay to tell "them" what they are hiding from themselves. I don't get it, it doesn't make much sense to me. It is like the person walking down the street not looking up from their phone and they walk into someone, but rather than saying sorry, they shoot a glare at the person they walked into as if to say: "watch where you going".... when all I am thinking is, "they saw you, they know where they are going and what about you? Why aren't you watching where you're going?" If community requires compromise, understanding, accommodation, observation and accountability we could start by acknowledging and accepting differences. Just because someone is different than you does not make them wrong and just because someone is different than you doesn't make you wrong. Don't do to someone what you wouldn't want done to your loved ones. These are my opinions and they work for me... they might not be useful to you and that is cool - figure out what works for you while respecting the souls that surround you. If you are succeeding in your project, awesome. Keep lifting people up rather than criticizing their efforts. If you want to make money, cool, make money - try not to pan it off as something else. There is nothing wrong with wanting something. The thing that grinds my gears, and seems to insult my insides, is when I feel what someone is saying is not matching their hearts desire - while at the same time trying to convince me of their honesty. Bullocks. Be honest - it is easier in the long run. Listen to what is being said and think about it from their perspective rather than the way you would mean it if you were to say it. Not everyone is you and not everyone is me and that is what makes life a mystery. Science may be able to prove all of this at some point but until then.... it is all magic baby.