Tuesday, 23 January 2018

How do you say it.

Recently, I asked someone if when they are speaking does it feels like they are dancing? The question alone got me excited as I felt for the first time, in awhile, I had accurately articulated what it feels like for me when I experience a verbal rant. I was hopeful that the person asked would respond with a "wow.... that is exactly what it feels like," allowing a connection of "yes.... I found another one." 

No such luck; however, the opportunity to properly express a personal experience was worth it. I never knew that is how I felt until I asked someone else. 

I guess that is where the realism of communication lives: we can speak a lot but what are we trying to say? What words will set us free? and maybe it won't even be words but rather images, sounds, thoughts or feelings that release the block that is hindering our own unknown expansion. 

I often think about communication and get lost in the abundance of languages we speak and the assumptions that speaking the same verbal language would make interactions easier... I get that when trying to clarify the finer details speaking the same verbal sound would make the discussion easier or possibly quicker.... but what I find more and more often is: the less words we have in common the more attention we have to pay to each others presence and feel the atmosphere around the "conversation".  

Most of the time that one feeling, look or energetic force says so much more than any amount of words can novel up. 

This is not to say speaking is unwarranted because if anyone knows me they know I love to speak.... it is the way to release my inner tangents, to follow my thoughts, to see what workings live in the corners of my internal universe while leading my conscious self to understanding my unconscious world that connects to the source of whatever and everything. 

Words, sounds and movement become the personal beat of my inner vibration that for some reason wants to be shared. Not everyone is going to like the beat of every particular song- but when we give space, to all sorts of expression, we are given a glimpse to the variety of human perspective and that is what makes each dance unique.

Thursday, 4 January 2018

Get Back Eating.

In amongst the daily questions and observations of everyday living there come those random insights that teach us the core lesson of our personal path. 

I mean, I don't know for sure but I definitely recognize that in the most intense moments a truth of clarity sets perspective. It isn't always the answer we may want but it seems to be a rule we can live by. We meaning I. 

I have realized that having people on podiums only tells yourself that you are below someone else and when you give that power away their reactions, actions or views can skew you. 

I notice that when I have relinquished my personal power I am less able to communicate clearly what I want, I become nervous about what may be said and ultimately I am afraid of being rejected or not accepted into this group I have made superior in my own mind. 

People fall off podiums, people make mistakes and we are all existing in this existence understanding as we move along. 

Admire the traits and paths of others, appreciate the beauty of others, support the good vibes that are being expelled and accept that that shit lives in you also - bring yourself to the table that everyone is eating at and if you don't like what is being served, no problem.