Unconditional love is the theme of development. Loving what "is" for what it is and recognizing that whatever "it" is is carving out it's own experience. I see that there are times that I want to encourage people in a certain direction, that I feel their life can be fuller if they experience A B or C.... but just because I may feel that something has a certain benefit, it does not mean the other person has to explore that option. Information without intent but rather information for the sake of informing - providing a resource that can be utilized whenever or if that person finds it for them-self. Unconditional love sees that through someones journey all we need to do is be there, in mind, body and understanding. I accept you for you and I accept you for who you are becoming and who you will be. It may not mean that we will "like" everything that a person does and that is okay.. it is not about judging but rather to discern.
When it comes to redoing something I feel that whatever has happened has already occurred so it is about trying again and developing from where we were, from what we learned and creating an idea of what we would like to see... all the while letting go of expectations! Hahahahaha! What!? You mean I can't have expectations? Well, I guess we can have expectations, I have just noticed that expectations can lead to disappointments as there is this underlying message that says: through expectation comes the idea that I will only be satisfied IF "this" happens. Which is kind of shit.
In reality so many different outcomes that were unexpected, spontaneous or out of "no where" can create immense Joy. I feel it is important to have hope - an idea of how you would like to feel rather than what it is intended to look like. To love and to love unconditional is to allow ourselves the opportunity to experience our growth and life while appreciating the journey of those around us - And when you find love in a person for their mind, their heart, their words and their spirit something beautiful happens.. You let go and watch their magic unfold.
Letting go of control brings a sense of peace and the reminder that we are all alone in this together. Enjoy this now!! (and dance:))