Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Sticky too

 Carrying your life on your back can be heavy sometimes; especially when you have to carry that crap through subway stations, airports, on buses and through crowds of people. I find that I am very much in the moment when I have my back pack and it is rush hour on the underground.. I become very aware of the people around me, the vibes they are shooting out and the heat that is in the space. A piece of advice: stay close to the exit with your back against the wall: this way a pathway is created and consideration of the daily transistor maintained. 
 It is interesting what is important to you when you are packing your bag compared to what is essential when you are on the road.. the two do not necessarily coincide very well.... Time and time again I tell myself minimal is best, is it light, it is easy.. but I never get light enough. Attachment to belongings and memories that they hold can be captivating when trying to sort out the relevance of what is the most useful. I have succumbed to talking to my belongings and thanking them for their time before letting them go. They were good to me, and appreciation is well deserved.
 Advice point 2: Books are awesome,  but knowledge is weighted. The amount of books, journals, and information accumulated over my travels is intense.. there is a part of me that wont allow myself to become fully immersed in the technological world. To have a piece of information in my hands allows me to feel it's truth, but if everything is just a reflection of light, I have found comfort in the illusion. The senses are a wondrous thing. 
 Advice point 3: Look at your adventure as a piece of magic. Magic is unproven science; one day the unexplained may be explained but until then continue being amazed. I know planes fly in a very logical way.... but come on; Logic is messed up!